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You Have a deadline to finish. You decide to stifle the yawn and push through the night. Sure it is already late, But you drink some coffee and keep going. Your Body, of course is fighting you every step of the way. whether you realize it or not, your brain has already started to check out for the way. whether you realize it or not, your brain has already started to check out for the night, After about 18hours without sleep, your reaction time begins to slow from 1/4 of a second to 1/2 a second and then longer.

"...if he sleep, he shall do well." - John 11:12

Since the work of building up the body and mind takes place during the hours of rest, it is very essential, especially in youth, that sleep should be regular and abundant. while sleeping, the brain continues to learn by deconstructing memory and connecting it to related things, resulting in faster and more accurate performance after a good night's sleep.

A good nights sleep can improve the memory by 30percent. After a day's work the brain cell is exhausted; but after a good night's sleep it is refreshed and ready to resume its normal work. This can be demonstrated with the microscope. After work, the nerve cell is shrunken inside, and the little granules in its protoplasm disappear. After rest, they are again plump and the granules are restored.

A good night rest helps you to control your appetite. Two hormones regulate your appetite: one tells you when you are hungry(ghrelin), the other tells you when you are full (leptin). When you do not get enough sleep there is a decrease in the production of the 'full' hormone and an increasing the production of the 'hungry' hormone encouraging you to eat more.

After following over million participants for six years, the largest study on sleep duration and mortality found that those who slept about seven hours had the highest survival rate. Those who slept less than 4.5 hours had the worst. Nine hours of sleep or more each night was also associated with a higher mortality risk. Experts tend to agree that the majority of people require about eight hours of sleep each night.

To sleep well, you need to work well. Even the Bible says "The Sleep of a laboring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will suffer him to sleep" (Ecclesiastes 5:12). Idleness is the cause of many diseases. Rather than taking a harmful sleeping pill, make sure to do strenuous outdoor physical labor everyday.

Abstain from all stimulants (Caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, spicy foods). Avoid eating anything a couple hours before bedtime.

Regular times for going to bed and rising are very helpful. the best time to go to bed is between 8:00pm and 9:00pm. Deepest sleep is between 9.00pm to 12.00am the body particularly the adrenals, recharges the most during 11.00pm to 1.00am

Make sure your eyes are exposed to sunlight every morning this enhances melatonin-production sleep in complete darkness (cover your eyes so no light penetrates). Even a little light during the night can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland's production of melatonin (your body's number one anti-aging hormone) and serotonin (your happiness hormone).

A relaxing soak in warm water will help you unwind after a stressful day. Have a cup or two of your preferred choice of a calm herbal tea.
(Culled from Heaven's Healing)

Hope You've learn a lesson today!


What is Smoking: It is the act of drawing and letting out (inhaling and exhalling) the smoke of tobacco or other substance.

Some says They Smoke to:
-Satisfy Curiosity
-To cope with Stress
-To loss weight
-coz of friends (peer pressure)

But before you light your first or your next cigarette, stop and think, dont be like a fish striking at a baited hook. Follow the bible advice and use your clear thinking faculties. 2peter 3:1

- Smoking reduces stress; False! Although smoking temporarily relieves the stress of withdrawal symptoms, scientist have found the nicotine actually increases the level of stress hormones

-I would exhale almost all of the smoke; False! Studies indicates that over 80% of the cigarette smokes particles you inhale stay inside your body.

-Smoking wont affect my health until I get old; False! While the risk increases with each cigarette you smoke, few effects are immediate. your lung capacity will be reduce and will likely to develop a persistent cough, Skin wringle, more and prematurely. Smoking increases your risk of panic attacks and depression.Smoking Cause the restiveness in youths.

-Smoking will make me More Attractive to the Opposite Sex: Fallacy! Researcher Lloyd Johnson found that youth who smokes are less attractive to the majority of the opposite sex.

- If I smoke no one is hurt but me? False: Second hand smoke kills thousand each yeat, it will definately harm your family, your friends and even your pets,

- It doesnt matter to God whether I smoke or Not. False Those wo want to please God must cleanse themselves of every defilement of flesh (2cor. 7:1, matt 22:39, gal 5:19-21) Theres no doubt that smoking defiles the body, if you choose to be unclean, harming yourself and others by using tobacco, you cants be a friend of God,

If people offer you a cigarette, simple but firm response such as No thanks, I dont smoke will often works. if the person persist or even taunt you, remember its ur  choice you might say,
- I check out the risk and decided that its not good for you, you may say
- I have some important future plan that involves breathing
- will i really gain benefit by smoking
- how much will smoking cost me in money, health problem and loss of other aspect
- I dont smoke cos its blackens the lung and shorten very short life span
- Are you denying me my right to my right to make personal choice.

1-Convince your self: write down your reasons for quiting and review this list regularly. A desire to be clean beforeGod can be a powerful motive, rom 12:1, Eph 4:17-19

2-Get help 1 John 5:14

3-Set a quit date

4-Search and destroy, before the quit date search everywhere in your room and destroy the cigarette, get rid of matches and lighters etc,

5-Deal with Withdrawal symptoms, drink plenty of fruit
 or water allow more  time for sleep.

6-Avoid Triggers: Stay away from places or situation where you could be tempted to smoke, you may cut off social contacts with Associates who are smokers proverb 13: 20

7.-Avoid Rationalization; dont fool your self by saying I'll take one puff such often leads to a full relapse jer 17:9

If you a person sit near a smoker and inhale the smoke, he's automatically a smoker called, PASSIVE SMOKERS he also stand a chance of the 20% risk of the smoker's

Thats Smokeless tobacco such as chewing tobacco can deliver more nicotine than cigarete and contains more than 25 cancer causing compounds that increases the risk of developing cancer of the throat and the mouth.

That there is chemicals presence in the cigarette that blackens the lung and the lips which causes the cancer of the lips and lungs?